Lordstown Administration
RENTALS: Reservations for the Administration Building, Park Pavilions, Gazebo, etc. are taken Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM until 3:45 PM in the Village Clerk’s Office (second floor of Administration Building). All reservation fees must be paid at the time of reservation. Payment is accepted by cash, check or money order only.
Tax Department
Planning and Zoning
If you are thinking of building a new structure, such as a detached garage, deck, porch, swimming pool, shed, etc. this Spring, please check with the Lordstown Planning & Zoning Department to obtain a permit prior to construction (Call 330-824-2510).
Some code requirements to keep in mind:
- Setback requirements and height limitations must be met.
- Total square footage of accessory structures may not occupy more than 10% of rear yard space.
- Accessory structures may not be located closer to the road than the principle building.
Zoning Permit Costs:
- Residential – .5 cents per square foot
- Business & Commercial – 7 ½ cents per square foot
- Industrial – .10 cents per square foot
- Minimum cost for any Permit, any zone district, is $15.00
All Zoning Permit fees are doubled if any construction begins before receiving a Zoning Permit.
Once you have received your Lordstown Zoning Permit, a Building Permit may be required by Trumbull County. The Trumbull County Building Department is located at 159 East Market St., Suite 100, Warren, Ohio 44481. Their phone number is 330-675-2467.
We appreciate the consideration and diligence of our wonderful Village residents as Summer Clean-up begins. To help steer everyone in the right direction, we offer the following reminders from our Codified Ordinances:
Are you having a garage sale or graduation party? Selling your home or advertising an event? Temporary signs include real estate, political, garage sale, party or special event, agricultural, and similar signs. These signs must be placed out of the road right-of-way (behind the utility pole line) and may not be placed on any utility pole or tree. Please make sure to obtain the landowner’s permission if you are not posting a sign on your own property. This applies to both developed and undeveloped property. Signs found to be in violation will be removed by the Village.
All parcels of land which have a dwelling house and all lots in a recorded subdivision must be maintained so that weeds, grass, brush, vines, briars, and the like are kept below ten inches (10”) high. Any growth over ten inches (10”) violates the Village’s weed and grass regulations.
The Village also has an established uniform maintenance standard applicable to residential buildings and property under the Residential Exterior Maintenance code. By way of this code, the Village seeks to maintain property values for Village property owners, prevent the deterioration of residential property to the point of health, safety and building code violations, encourage the continued common beauty of all property in our community. Please keep every residential building and structure in good condition and repair.
Please keep properties free of excessive vegetation and litter. Litter includes but is not limited to junk, rubbish, garbage, parts of automobiles, tires and anything else of an unsightly or unsanitary nature. It is not permissible for properties to have the appearance of a junk yard or automotive graveyard, nor to have accumulated piles or scatterings of unused or discarded materials and/or debris. These types of things are considered prohibited uses in violation of Lordstown Codified Ordinances.
Fire Department
Road Department
If any residents would like any loads of fill dirt (Up To Five Dump Truck Loads Per Year), you are encouraged to call our Street Supervisor at 330-824-2585.
Please note that this dirt is NOT TOP SOIL, nor is there any.
As winter weather approaches, please remember to change your driving habits during freezing temperatures. The Street Department will be doing their best to maintain our roadways for everyone’s safety and convenience. Please remember, even with every effort, there is always a chance of snow-covered and slippery roads. Until the snow can be cleared and the ice chemically melted, please remember to slow down and drive according to the road conditions. Let’s have a safe winter driving season!
Please do not push snow out into the roadway when clearing your driveway or parking area. This causes hazards for drivers and extra work for the Street Department.
Lordstown Village Ordinance 311.01 prohibits any person placing any obstruction in or upon a street without proper authority. Whoever violates any provision of the ordinance is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
All residents are asked to check their mailboxes to be certain they are up to standards. The boxes should be securely fastened to the post and the posts should be planted in the ground so that the snow from the plows will not loosen it. As in the past, mailboxes which are hit by snowplows will be repaired, but boxes damaged by snow coming from the plows remain the resident’s responsibility.
Streetlight Outage Report
In the event that a streetlight in your neighborhood is inoperative or malfunctioning, you can report it to the Street Department by completing the online streetlight outage form below, or by calling the Street Department at 330.824.2585. When calling to report a malfunctioning light, please provide the street name, closest house number, and if possible, the pole number, which can be found on a metal tag attached to the pole, facing the street.
Please note that decorative poles do not have a tag. In addition, please advise the nature of the problem, i.e. completely out, cycles on and off, always on, etc.
Village Cemetery Grounds
We respectfully request that anyone who wishes to leave sentimental items, flowers in a vase, etc. for a family member or friend who has passed, to please leave them on the cemetery plot stone or base of the stone so that road crews can easily mow around each stone in the cemetery. The Village will not be responsible for items left that are moved or become damaged as a result of mowing during the season. Thank you for your kindness and respect.
We respectfully request that anyone who wishes to leave sentimental items, flowers in a vase, etc. for a family member or friend who has passed, to please leave them on the cemetery plot stone or base of the stone so that road crews can easily mow around each stone in the cemetery. The Village will not be responsible for items left that are moved or become damaged as a result of mowing during the season. Thank you for your kindness and respect.
Village Parks
No Dogs are permitted on the tennis courts or baseball fields.
You must clean up after your dog when in the Village Park. Children who play on the playground or who play soccer, baseball and softball at the Village Park, do not deserve to play in an area scattered with dog waste. Please be considerate of others.
Any person not cleaning up after their animal would be guilty of Section 949.12 of our Village Codified Ordinances.
Police Department
Utility Department